Debunking Myths About Overcoming Trauma

Debunking Myths About Overcoming Trauma

Trauma is an exhausting personal experience, which drains out your desire to live, have fun, or do better in your life. Every individual is affected by trauma differently. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding trauma and depression; it is high time for people to unlearn those myths and understand what trauma is. Now, let’s learn about myths and misunderstandings about trauma and its impacts on victims.

Time Heals All Wounds

One of the greatest lies in the current times is that time heals trauma or wounds caused by trauma. Time can only provide distance from a traumatic event and sometimes blurs the details while still bringing it back from time to time. Healing requires constant efforts because trauma leaves scars that time cannot erase no matter how long it has been. It is important to figure out your coping mechanisms and take therapy sessions where a professional can better understand your situation and advise you about it.

Only Weak People Are Traumatized

Trauma has nothing to do with someone being emotionally stable or weak. Trauma can affect an individual’s emotional levels of strength regardless of how brave they appear to be. This myth is extremely discouraging and makes people who suffering from trauma feel bad about themselves. Understanding trauma requires empathy for people and their feelings.

You Should Be Over It By Now

The fact that traumas don’t have a specific timeline is something that people miserably fail to understand. Each person deals with it on their own and at their own pace. The healing journey is different for each individual and you cannot expect them to be over it within a certain time limit. When someone is trying their best to heal, it is extremely rude to hit them with “get over it already.”

Talking About Trauma Makes It Worse

Recalling traumatic events or talking about them can be painful in general, but can be different for everyone. When you talk about your trauma in a supportive environment where your feelings are being validated and active listeners are present it becomes easier to talk about it. It is important to understand that suppressing or bottling up emotions can only lead to further issues. People really need to know that they shouldn’t force victims to not talk about things that are bothering them.


In conclusion, when you are overcoming trauma, you realize it is a complicated process that requires understanding and patience. Debunking myths about trauma helps create a supportive environment where individuals can seek the help they need without stigma or unrealistic expectations. If you wish to learn more about trauma patterns and trauma healing, then “Rising Up” by Nancy Pusateri is an absolutely must-have! The author shares her journey of overcoming trauma and hopes others can do the same.

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